Au fond c’est flou

Au Fond C’est Flou, at Espace Adaventura , groupshow 2021,

with Côme Calmettes, Eno Gounon dit Ascain, Antoine Langenieux-Villard, Stéphane Abitbol.

Photos by Alice Pallot.

Ascain’s toiles libres are loaded, on both sides, with a language of signs, symbols and painted gestures. These densely populated surfaces are heavy and firm, yet they ripple, pause and levitate throughout the space.
Abitbol presents the remnants of his intuition and uses paint as a way to reinforce the
structure of the painting. We are guided by the flame, driven through the gaps and into the new forms that arrive out of this gesture.
Calmettes searches for paintings within his everyday surroundings. His site-specific interventions are determined by the livelihood of what already exists.
Langenieux-Villard investigates different modes of assemblage. His raptured surfaces and vidid colours leave an impression that is both direct and peripheral. One must approach, retreat and dance with the details.
Burnt, folded, deconstructed, layered, sewn, sanded, glued, stacked, reconstructed, immersed. Hung in all its states painting is examined not as an image but as an action; as an environment, built upon intensely manipulated surfaces. The outlines are
imperceptible; the limitations and the possibilities of the surface are exposed; the site
becomes a painting device.

A text by Amelia Bowles