Euro Neu Mode

EURO NEU MODE at Everydaygallery, groupshow 2020,

with Jean-Baptiste Janisset, Villard-Brossard, Stéphane Abitbol.

Photos by Silvia Cappellari

To enter a painting?I mean literally, to enter into a world it hides, it shelters, into its universe, inside it’s own structure, to try and to meet its substance, to go in the heart of itself.Is that possible?
I’d like to think entering this burned house in the first painting, is like entering in my practice.
The ideas set forth in my paintings preserve a strong relationship of tensions to the themes of nature, family but also with a motion, a way of doing.
Inscribing gestures and figures into the canvas, means to keep a trace of it, before it goes back to the chaos of my reality.

it feels like you glide underwater, like entering a padded room. Spacious, the presentation allows for all surfaces to unfold. Simon Brossard & Julie Villard’s pieces are so visceral and unreal. This is what an object in science fiction would look like when you turn it inside out. Using moulds, the pieces curve, fit and follow the shape of an unknown entity. The duo’s thorough craft and explicit attention for surfaces, is shared by the other artists in the space. As gatekeepers, two of Jean-Baptiste Janisset’s thin metallic sheet sculptures, line the hallway. Like curious fingers, the material traces and lines its original. On the left wall, Stéphane Abitbol’s paintings continue on tactility; scratching the surface of pictorial illusion and canvas. Burning and layering, he too seems to push his fingers into the surface of things.

exhibition text by Céline Mathieu